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          LeftRightLeft™ Removable Vinyl - Don't like it there? Just move it. Don't like it anymore, just peel it off, toss it and order a new one.

          LeftRightLeft™ removable vinyl comes in full color on one side on white or clear low tack vinyl in 3, 6 or 8 mil thicknesses. Print sizes can go up to 52" High X 100' Wide. Removable vinyl has an adhesive backing that can be mounted onto any flat surface and can be easily removed without damage.

          Our full color prints are waterproof and UV safe; however, we can aslo add a protective layer of matte or gloss laminate to your prints for high traffic areas. We digitally print at 720 x 720 resolution for clean, crisp output.

          LeftRightLeft™ removable vinyl can also be Contour Cut into pieces of any shape up to a maximum size of 4' x 6', allowing for even more creativity for your wall graphics.

          NOTE: As long as your prints are the same size, some of our shops allow for grouping different arts to get a quantity discount. For example, if your order is for 5 18x24's prints, you can get 3 of one type, 1 of a second type and 1 of a third type. Please look for notes associated with appropriate tables below.

          Low Tack Removable Vinyl

          3, 6, 8 mil low tack removable vinyl
          laminated low tack removable vinyl
          contour-cut removable vinyl: CHOP 'EM UP
          laminated contour cut removable vinyl: CHOP 'EM UP for high traffic areas

3, 6, 8 mil low tack, removable vinyl

LeftRightLeft™ Full Color Repositionable Vinyl - 3 Mil, 6 Mil & 8 Mil White or Clear

3 mil repositionable white or clear vinyl printed in Los Angeles and ships everywhere.

We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

2x1 $37 $44 $66 $102 $173 $209 $245 $316 $388

3x1 $41 $51 $84 $137 $245 $298 $352 $432 $538

1.5x2 $41 $51 $84 $137 $245 $298 $352 $432 $538

4x1 $44 $59 $102 $173 $316 $388 $432 $573 $714

2x2 $44 $59 $102 $173 $316 $388 $432 $573 $714

6x1 $51 $73 $137 $245 $432 $538 $644 $855 $1,066

3x2 $51 $73 $137 $245 $432 $538 $644 $855 $1,066

4x2 $59 $87 $173 $316 $573 $714 $855 $1,136 $1,397

3x3 $62 $94 $191 $352 $644 $802 $960 $1,277 $1,572

5x2 $66 $102 $209 $388 $714 $890 $1,066 $1,397 $1,746

6x2 $73 $116 $245 $432 $855 $1,066 $1,277 $1,676 $2,096

4x3 $73 $116 $245 $432 $855 $1,066 $1,277 $1,676 $2,096

5x3 $84 $137 $298 $538 $1,066 $1,310 $1,572 $2,096 $2,619

4x4 $87 $144 $316 $573 $1,136 $1,397 $1,676 $2,235 $2,794

5x4 $102 $173 $388 $714 $1,397 $1,746 $2,096 $2,794 $3,493

7x3 $105 $180 $405 $749 $1,467 $1,834 $2,200 $2,934 $3,667

8x4 $144 $259 $573 $1,136 $2,235 $2,794 $3,353 $4,470 $5,588

other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

6 mil repositionable vinyl printed in Phoenix or San Diego and ships everywhere.

We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

2x1 $38 $46 $69 $108 $186 $225 $264 $342 $394

3x1 $42 $53 $89 $147 $264 $323 $381 $471 $586

1.5x2 $42 $53 $89 $147 $264 $323 $381 $471 $586

4x1 $46 $61 $108 $186 $342 $394 $471 $624 $778 For this table, same
2x2 $46 $61 $108 $186 $342 $394 $471 $624 $778 size art that is different
6x1 $53 $77 $147 $264 $471 $586 $701 $932 $1,162 gets a group discount!
3x2 $53 $77 $147 $264 $471 $586 $701 $932 $1,162

4x2 $61 $92 $186 $342 $624 $778 $932 $1,239 $1,524

3x3 $65 $100 $206 $381 $701 $874 $1,047 $1,372 $1,715

5x2 $69 $108 $225 $394 $778 $970 $1,162 $1,524 $1,905

6x2 $77 $124 $264 $471 $932 $1,162 $1,372 $1,829 $2,286

4x3 $77 $124 $264 $471 $932 $1,162 $1,372 $1,829 $2,286

5x3 $89 $147 $323 $586 $1,162 $1,429 $1,715 $2,286 $2,858

4x4 $92 $155 $342 $624 $1,239 $1,524 $1,829 $2,438 $3,048

5x4 $108 $186 $394 $778 $1,524 $1,905 $2,286 $3,048 $3,810

7x3 $112 $194 $413 $816 $1,600 $2,000 $2,400 $3,200 $4,001

8x4 $155 $280 $624 $1,239 $2,438 $3,048 $3,658 $4,877 $6,096

other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

8 mil repositionable vinyl printed in Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Phoenix or Las Vegas and ships everywhere.

We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

2x1 $39 $48 $75 $121 $211 $257 $302 $393 $457

3x1 $44 $57 $98 $166 $302 $370 $412 $546 $680

1.5x2 $44 $57 $98 $166 $302 $370 $412 $546 $680

4x1 $48 $66 $121 $211 $393 $457 $546 $725 $903

2x2 $48 $66 $121 $211 $393 $457 $546 $725 $903

6x1 $57 $84 $166 $302 $546 $680 $814 $1,082 $1,330

3x2 $57 $84 $166 $302 $546 $680 $814 $1,082 $1,330

4x2 $66 $103 $211 $393 $725 $903 $1,082 $1,418 $1,773

3x3 $71 $112 $234 $412 $814 $1,015 $1,216 $1,596 $1,995

5x2 $75 $121 $257 $457 $903 $1,127 $1,330 $1,773 $2,216

6x2 $84 $139 $302 $546 $1,082 $1,330 $1,596 $2,128 $2,659

4x3 $84 $139 $302 $546 $1,082 $1,330 $1,596 $2,128 $2,659

5x3 $98 $166 $370 $680 $1,330 $1,662 $1,995 $2,659 $3,324

4x4 $103 $175 $393 $725 $1,418 $1,773 $2,128 $2,837 $3,546

5x4 $121 $211 $457 $903 $1,773 $2,216 $2,659 $3,546 $4,432

7x3 $125 $221 $479 $948 $1,862 $2,327 $2,792 $3,723 $4,654

8x4 $175 $320 $725 $1,418 $2,837 $3,546 $4,255 $5,673 $7,092

other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

8 mil repositionable vinyl printed in Los Angeles and Seattle and ships everywhere.

We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

2x1 $39 $48 $75 $121 $211 $257 $302 $393 $457

3x1 $44 $57 $98 $166 $302 $370 $412 $546 $680

1.5x2 $44 $57 $98 $166 $302 $370 $412 $546 $680

4x1 $48 $66 $121 $211 $393 $457 $546 $725 $903

2x2 $48 $66 $121 $211 $393 $457 $546 $725 $903

6x1 $57 $84 $166 $302 $546 $680 $814 $1,082 $1,330

3x2 $57 $84 $166 $302 $546 $680 $814 $1,082 $1,330

4x2 $66 $103 $211 $393 $725 $903 $1,082 $1,418 $1,773

3x3 $71 $112 $234 $412 $814 $1,015 $1,216 $1,596 $1,995

5x2 $75 $121 $257 $457 $903 $1,127 $1,330 $1,773 $2,216

6x2 $84 $139 $302 $546 $1,082 $1,330 $1,596 $2,128 $2,659

4x3 $84 $139 $302 $546 $1,082 $1,330 $1,596 $2,128 $2,659

5x3 $98 $166 $370 $680 $1,330 $1,662 $1,995 $2,659 $3,324

4x4 $103 $175 $393 $725 $1,418 $1,773 $2,128 $2,837 $3,546

5x4 $121 $211 $457 $903 $1,773 $2,216 $2,659 $3,546 $4,432

7x3 $125 $221 $479 $948 $1,862 $2,327 $2,792 $3,723 $4,654

8x4 $175 $320 $725 $1,418 $2,837 $3,546 $4,255 $5,673 $7,092

other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

laminated low tack, removable vinyl

LeftRightLeft™ Full Color Matte or Gloss Laminated Repositionable Vinyl - 5.0 or 8.5 Mil

8.5 mil: 6 mil repositionable vinyl printed in Phoenix or San Diego and ships everywhere + 2.5 mil matte or gloss laminate

We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

2x1 $40 $51 $82 $134 $238 $290 $342 $420 $522

3x1 $46 $61 $108 $186 $342 $394 $471 $624 $778

1.5x2 $46 $61 $108 $186 $342 $394 $471 $624 $778

4x1 $51 $72 $134 $238 $420 $522 $624 $829 $1,034

2x2 $51 $72 $134 $238 $420 $522 $624 $829 $1,034

6x1 $61 $92 $186 $342 $624 $778 $932 $1,239 $1,524 For this table, same
3x2 $61 $92 $186 $342 $624 $778 $932 $1,239 $1,524 size art that is different
4x2 $72 $113 $238 $420 $829 $1,034 $1,239 $1,626 $2,032 gets a group discount!
3x3 $77 $124 $264 $471 $932 $1,162 $1,372 $1,829 $2,286

5x2 $82 $134 $290 $522 $1,034 $1,270 $1,524 $2,032 $2,540

6x2 $92 $155 $342 $624 $1,239 $1,524 $1,829 $2,438 $3,048

4x3 $92 $155 $342 $624 $1,239 $1,524 $1,829 $2,438 $3,048

5x3 $108 $186 $394 $778 $1,524 $1,905 $2,286 $3,048 $3,810

4x4 $113 $196 $420 $829 $1,626 $2,032 $2,438 $3,251 $4,064

5x4 $134 $238 $522 $1,034 $2,032 $2,540 $3,048 $4,064 $5,080

7x3 $139 $248 $548 $1,085 $2,134 $2,667 $3,200 $4,267 $5,334

8x4 $196 $363 $829 $1,626 $3,251 $4,064 $4,877 $6,502 $8,128

other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

5 mil: 3 mil repositionable vinyl printed in Los Angeles and ships everywhere + 2 mil matte or gloss lamination.

We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

2x1 $41 $52 $85 $141 $251 $306 $362 $445 $554

3x1 $47 $63 $113 $196 $362 $418 $500 $663 $826

1.5x2 $47 $63 $113 $196 $362 $418 $500 $663 $826

4x1 $52 $74 $141 $251 $445 $554 $663 $880 $1,098

2x2 $52 $74 $141 $251 $445 $554 $663 $880 $1,098

6x1 $63 $96 $196 $362 $663 $826 $989 $1,295 $1,619

3x2 $63 $96 $196 $362 $663 $826 $989 $1,295 $1,619

4x2 $74 $118 $251 $445 $880 $1,098 $1,295 $1,727 $2,159

3x3 $80 $129 $279 $500 $989 $1,234 $1,457 $1,943 $2,429

5x2 $85 $141 $306 $554 $1,098 $1,349 $1,619 $2,159 $2,699

6x2 $96 $163 $362 $663 $1,295 $1,619 $1,943 $2,591 $3,239

4x3 $96 $163 $362 $663 $1,295 $1,619 $1,943 $2,591 $3,239

5x3 $113 $196 $418 $826 $1,619 $2,024 $2,429 $3,239 $4,048

4x4 $118 $207 $445 $880 $1,727 $2,159 $2,591 $3,454 $4,318

5x4 $141 $251 $554 $1,098 $2,159 $2,699 $3,239 $4,318 $5,398

7x3 $146 $262 $581 $1,152 $2,267 $2,834 $3,400 $4,534 $5,667

8x4 $207 $384 $880 $1,727 $3,454 $4,318 $5,182 $6,909 $8,636

other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

contour-cut removable vinyl

LeftRightLeft™ Full Color Repositionable Vinyl - 6 Mil & 8 Mil CONTOUR CUT

Contour cutting allows each piece, say 24"x24" to be cut into pieces with curves or whatever shapes you want.

8 mil repositionable vinyl WITH FREE CONTOUR CUTTING printed in Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Phoenix or Las Vegas and ships everywhere.

We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

2x1 $39 $48 $75 $121 $211 $257 $302 $393 $457

3x1 $44 $57 $98 $166 $302 $370 $412 $546 $680 For this table, same
1.5x2 $44 $57 $98 $166 $302 $370 $412 $546 $680 size art that is different
4x1 $48 $66 $121 $211 $393 $457 $546 $725 $903gets a group discount!
2x2 $48 $66 $121 $211 $393 $457 $546 $725 $903

6x1 $57 $84 $166 $302 $546 $680 $814 $1,082 $1,330

3x2 $57 $84 $166 $302 $546 $680 $814 $1,082 $1,330

4x2 $66 $103 $211 $393 $725 $903 $1,082 $1,418 $1,773

3x3 $71 $112 $234 $412 $814 $1,015 $1,216 $1,596 $1,995

5x2 $75 $121 $257 $457 $903 $1,127 $1,330 $1,773 $2,216

6x2 $84 $139 $302 $546 $1,082 $1,330 $1,596 $2,128 $2,659

4x3 $84 $139 $302 $546 $1,082 $1,330 $1,596 $2,128 $2,659

5x3 $98 $166 $370 $680 $1,330 $1,662 $1,995 $2,659 $3,324

4x4 $103 $175 $393 $725 $1,418 $1,773 $2,128 $2,837 $3,546

5x4 $121 $211 $457 $903 $1,773 $2,216 $2,659 $3,546 $4,432

7x3 $125 $221 $479 $948 $1,862 $2,327 $2,792 $3,723 $4,654

8x4 $175 $320 $725 $1,418 $2,837 $3,546 $4,255 $5,673 $7,092

other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

6 mil repositionable vinyl printed in Phoenix or San Diego and ships everywhere.

We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

2x1 $40 $50 $80 $130 $231 $281 $331 $405 $504

3x1 $45 $60 $105 $181 $331 $406 $455 $603 $751

1.5x2 $45 $60 $105 $181 $331 $406 $455 $603 $751 For this table, same
4x1 $50 $70 $130 $231 $405 $504 $603 $801 $998 size art that is different
2x2 $50 $70 $130 $231 $405 $504 $603 $801 $998 gets a group discount!
6x1 $60 $90 $181 $331 $603 $751 $899 $1,196 $1,471

3x2 $60 $90 $181 $331 $603 $751 $899 $1,196 $1,471

4x2 $70 $110 $231 $405 $801 $998 $1,196 $1,569 $1,961

3x3 $75 $120 $256 $455 $899 $1,122 $1,324 $1,765 $2,206

5x2 $80 $130 $281 $504 $998 $1,245 $1,471 $1,961 $2,451

6x2 $90 $150 $331 $603 $1,196 $1,471 $1,765 $2,353 $2,941

4x3 $90 $150 $331 $603 $1,196 $1,471 $1,765 $2,353 $2,941

5x3 $105 $181 $406 $751 $1,492 $1,838 $2,206 $2,941 $3,677

4x4 $110 $191 $405 $801 $1,591 $1,961 $2,353 $3,137 $3,922

5x4 $130 $231 $504 $998 $1,986 $2,451 $2,941 $3,922 $4,902

7x3 $135 $241 $529 $1,048 $2,085 $2,574 $3,088 $4,118 $5,147

8x4 $191 $351 $801 $1,591 $3,172 $3,922 $4,706 $6,275 $7,844

other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

8 mil repositionable vinyl printed in Los Angeles and Seattle and ships everywhere.

We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

2x1 $41 $53 $87 $143 $256 $313 $369 $455 $567

3x1 $47 $64 $115 $200 $369 $428 $511 $678 $845

1.5x2 $47 $64 $115 $200 $369 $428 $511 $678 $845

4x1 $53 $75 $143 $256 $455 $567 $678 $901 $1,124

2x2 $53 $75 $143 $256 $455 $567 $678 $901 $1,124

6x1 $64 $98 $200 $369 $678 $845 $1,012 $1,326 $1,657

3x2 $64 $98 $200 $369 $678 $845 $1,012 $1,326 $1,657

4x2 $75 $120 $256 $455 $901 $1,124 $1,326 $1,768 $2,210

3x3 $81 $132 $284 $511 $1,012 $1,263 $1,492 $1,989 $2,486

5x2 $87 $143 $313 $567 $1,124 $1,381 $1,657 $2,210 $2,762

6x2 $98 $166 $369 $678 $1,326 $1,657 $1,989 $2,652 $3,315

4x3 $98 $166 $369 $678 $1,326 $1,657 $1,989 $2,652 $3,315

5x3 $115 $200 $428 $845 $1,657 $2,072 $2,486 $3,315 $4,143

4x4 $120 $211 $455 $901 $1,768 $2,210 $2,652 $3,536 $4,420

5x4 $143 $256 $567 $1,124 $2,210 $2,762 $3,315 $4,420 $5,525

7x3 $149 $268 $595 $1,179 $2,320 $2,900 $3,480 $4,641 $5,801

8x4 $211 $392 $901 $1,768 $3,536 $4,420 $5,304 $7,071 $8,839

other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

laminated contour cut removable vinyl

LeftRightLeft™ Full Color Repositionable Vinyl - 8.5 Mil LAMINATED, CONTOUR CUT

Contour cutting allows each piece, say 24"x24" to be cut into pieces with curves or whatever shapes you want. Please inquire.